Can't get DiscoParty to work
I've loaded up the latest DiscoParty code from GitHub, and tried running it in Processing 2.1 and 1.5. It would not work in either version. As soon as I launch and I select the tty device, it says it's trying to connect, but no other output appears in the console and the tape itself freezes until I pull the power. Any thoughts?
Which OS are you using?
What firmware is on your BlinkyTape? (original one, update from Pattern Paint, update from BlinkyTape_Arduino, other)?
It's working for me with OS X Yosemite, with Processing 2.2.1 and the BlinkyTape sketch from the last release of PatternPaint (tools->restore rainbow sketch). It doesn't work for me in Processing 1.5.1 anymore, we're using features from the 2.0 version that aren't supported in that branch- did you modify DiscoParty to support it?
I unfortunately don't have a copy of Processing 2.1 anymore to test with. Is it possible for you to upgrade to 2.2.1? There was a change in the serial library around 2.1 that might affect this.