Blinkytape doesn't connect with DiscoParty or AmbiTape

edited December 2013 in BlinkyTape Fun
Blinkytape connects fine with Pattern Paint and I am able to change the colours and animation using Pattern Paint. But when I run DiscoParty/AmbiTape the Blinkytape lights remain on the last setting.


  • Sorry to hear that! What operating system are you using?
  • Windows 7 - 64 bit
  • OK, sounds like there might be an issue with connecting to the tapes. Did the version of AmbiTape you're using run properly and present you with a list of serial ports to choose? I'm attaching a version of DiscoParty for you to try.
  • When I run AmbiTape a window appears saying to connect a BlinkyTape with option ranging from 'COM6 - COM13'. I have tried all of these options and none of them work
  • When I plugged in the tape to a new USB port it installed the driver again and it said it is using COM23. I'm pretty sure this changes depending on which USB port the tape is plugged into
  • Interesting -- it sounds like the tape is on COM23, but you can't see that one in the choosing window because there are so many ports...hmm. Sounds like we may have to fix that. Alternatively, you can try an older version of DiscoParty.

    If you use the one in the top level 'examples' directory, here:

    Find this code:
    // auto connect to all blinkyboards
    for(String p : Serial.list()) {
    if(p.startsWith("/dev/cu.usbmodem")) {
    leds.add(new LedOutput(this, p, numberOfLEDs));

    And change "/dev/cu.usbmodem" to "COM23"
  • edited December 2013
    I've tried the older version of DiscoParty and changed the name to COMxy (xy being the relevant number [it changes depending on which USB port I use]) and works fine.

    Thanks for all your help
  • edited December 2013
    I have got my BlinkTape to work on DiscoParty_Burst also. I had to change the size of the font so that my COMxy showed on the small menu screen. I selected the relevant COMxy and it works fine
  • Also got AmbientTape to work using the same method. Just need to figure out how to set it up to just use my external monitor instead of my laptop screen.

    Thanks again for all your help!
  • Thanks for sharing your solution, day1100!
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