Hoping for more animations/visualizations...lots more!
I've been playing around with both Processing and the Python libraries, and there's a few examples of how to make cool looking animations or visualizations, but I'm hoping for way more! iTunes and Windows Media Player have tons of cool visualization plugins that use some cool math to make great designs. Is there existing visualization code we can port that will work on Blinkytape?
I saw this and was wondering if it would work:
I saw this and was wondering if it would work:
I think someone else had previously asked about this - yes there should be a lot of stuff that can just be ported. However, I don't think that library will work as it's intended for use with a different type of LED strip.
But - there is some low-level Python support, see this Github repository: https://github.com/Blinkinlabs/BlinkyTape_Python
You should be able to use this very similarly to the one you're asking about but let us know if you have specific questions.
Do you have anything particular in mind?
They have so many awesome visualizations, I want something like that! They have almost infinite combinations of things so it can smoothly rotate through different ones, or you pick any setting you like and stick with it. Is there anything like that out there that could be converted to a single line of pixels and then output to the Blinkytape?
If you have specific ideas about what you'd like to see on the BlinkyTape, let us know and maybe we can work together to make it happen.